Creamy peanut butter meets melty marshmallow to create the perfect flavor combination for these Peanut Butter Marshmallow Bars. If you love easy desserts, peanut butter, and/or marshmallows, then you will love this! (I feel like that basically encompasses everyone, right?!)

the peanut butter marshmallow bars cut into squares.

If you’re going to substitute…

Usually, I’m all about substituting with what you like! I love for people to add their own little spins and tricks with baking!

However, I’m a little on the fence with this recipe.

There’s a lot of sweetness with this recipe with the marshmallows, so if you are going to use another nut butter make sure there isn’t any extra added sweetness. I know with almond butter, there’s a lot of flavors added in like vanilla (my personal favorite), but you don’t want these to be overly sweet!

Other than that to be mindful of, I think you’ll be fine substituting out other nut butters!

a peanut butter marshmallow square on it's side to show the marshmallows inside.

The trick for getting perfect squares

My trick for getting the perfect squares is all about adding pressure. When I say you want to mash these down, I mean, you really want to push them firmly into the pan.

I like to put the marshmallow bars into the pan, take another piece of parchment paper on top and press down as hard as you can. This makes the top really nice and smooth and helps compact the squares which helps with extra chewiness.

a picture of the peanut butter marshmallow squares showing the sprinkle of salt on top.

Tips for these Peanut Butter Marshmallow Bars

  1. This recipe goes FAST! So try to gather all your ingredients and prep your pan so you’re ready!
  2. If you feel like your mixture is getting too sticky, keep some kitchen nonstick spray nearby!
  3. Add extra marshmallows to the top to really go crazy with marshmallows!

I mean, is this not the fluffernutter bar of your dreams?!

Peanut butter and marshmallow might just be my new favorite combination!


-Holly Michelle

Peanut Butter Marshmallow Bars

Peanut butter and marshmallow form the perfect marriage in this salty and sweet marshmallow bar!
Print Recipe
Peanut butter marshmallow bars sitting on a parchment paper.
Prep Time:10 minutes
Total Time:10 minutes


  • 4 tablespoons Butter
  • 4 cups Mini Marshmallows
  • 5 cups Rice Cereal
  • 1/2 cup Peanut Butter plus 1/4 cup set aside
  • Flakey Salt garnish


  • Melt butter in a large pot on the stove
  • Add in mini marshmallows. Stir occasionally so they don’t burn!
  • Add in peanut butter, stir together.
  • Remove from heat and stir in rice cereal.
  • Pour marshmallow mixture into a lined-square pan. Press down firmly to really pack in the cereal.
  • Let cool and harden, about 10 minutes.
  • Add a drizzle of melted peanut butter and a sprinkle of salt.
  • Cut into squares and enjoy!
Servings: 9 Bars

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